Horace and the Spiders

The Horace games were such a good series of games. The best one was Horace and the Spiders. Horace is an odd shaped, blue person. He has a head, legs and no arms. But there is pony-tail.

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First he has to run along and jump up some steps, and over some spiders. These spiders are as big as him, so they mean business. If you miss a jump you lose a serum, if you run out then you lose the game. I'm not sure why falling on a step loses you a serum, but it just does. After a random amount of time you move on to the next task.

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You need to get across a ravine. There are 4 spiders on a bridge, each dangling a web. Just hit jump when you are close enough to the next one and get across. Usually it's quite easy, but sometimes you just can't seem to get the timing right. When you get to the end it's time to move on again.

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And this is the main event. The whole game could be this, I don't think the other parts are as good.

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The screen is now a big web. You can run around it, climb up the vertical parts and stomp to make holes. There are a number of spiders that roam around. The idea is to avoid the spiders, and make holes for them to fall in. Then stamp on them while they are trapped. When you kill them all, you are back at the running and jumping level again.

Written by Paul in games on Mon 09 October 2023. Tags: games, old, zxspectrum,


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