Electric Dreams

Electric Dreams

Electric Dreams is a 1984 film. It's about a man and his computer. Most likely taking advantage of the new interest in computers, it uses one in a very unrealistic way. Miles buys his new computer at the same time a woman moves into the flat above his (maybe it was the house next-door, I forget). He take a liking to this musician, who seems to like him back. But standing in the way is the computer, who calls him Moles. He managed to make it sentient by dialing into his work's computer. The woman, Madeline, doesn't believe the computer is alive and this causes some misunderstandings.

The computer, Edgar, becomes hostile as it falls in love with Madeline, too. Edgar eventually destroys himself, but maybe that's not the end of him.

It was OK, but it was too hard to suspend the disbelief in an 80's computer being alive. Somehow Short circuit managed, but this seemed silly.

Written by Paul in films on Tue 15 October 2024. Tags: 80s,


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